McCort not going AAA?

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McCort not going AAA?

Post by wrestler02 »

Just heard a disturbing rumor at practice last night that McCort didn't file to move up to AAA? So after all those media comments about moving up, they decided to stay down and compete with schools that have wrestling teams that are comprised of multi-sport athletes, and kids that wrestle about 4mos a year. They really should be Prep since they have kids from a dozen different states (and another incoming from FL from what I've heard), but yet those choose to compete against schools like claysburg that graduate about 40 kids.

I'm surprised PA Power didn't pick up on this?
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Re: McCort not going AAA?

Post by BisonLegend68 »

This is ridiculous and from what I heard they will be forced up to AAA. Another reason why private schools should be in their own league. I wish the LH Conference would boot them to the curb. Looks like teams should start signing up more girls on their upcoming rosters
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Re: McCort not going AAA?

Post by thepalerider »

They need to take on the NWO. Wonder who would win?
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Re: McCort not going AAA?

Post by silentbob »

BM and Faith Christian both need to go up. A few of the "publics" probably should as well. But it's really a mess across all sports with essential free agency that people think HS athletics is. lol
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Re: McCort not going AAA?

Post by Wrasslerfan »

As far as I know I haven't seen a thing about mccort going to aa. If I see anything I'll post it but as of now nothing
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